Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Beaty: Color.Bug

I have a new love and it comes in the form of coloured pigment.

Yes, I am talking about Kevin Murphy's Color.Bug which, if you are into hair and beauty, you will be well aware of. I had been temped to try it for months and it was only last night that I had my first experience with the product when I modelled for Bossy Hair once more. The colours are so vibrant and amazing! There will hopefully be some photographs from the night available soon but of course I came home and took some of my own for my records before I washed it all out (sigh)…

I also have to give snaps to Jack of Bossy Hair for my face; he's pretty excellent at makeup (especially when he was a fill in last minute) if I do say so myself.

For your nearest stockist of Color.Bug visit here.

1 comment:

  1. Your hair looks amazing, I'll have to try it out a some point!

    Great Blog :)

    Bethany Paige ( X


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