Thursday, September 13, 2012

DIY: Past Projects

DIYing was an interest of mine long before I began blogging; it even goes back to the days of making Barbie clothes and dwellings from my mothers scrap material and bits and pieces.

Despite now photographing garments before I alter them, I wasn't so organised once upon a time.  

Last year I purchased a pair of pink high-waisted trousers from a thrift store which I cut the legs off of and hemmed into shorts. Unfortunately I didn't take a before picture so all I have to show you is the final product in the photographs below. I decided to pair them with a halter top I made from a square of crushed-velvet material - the easiest DIY ever.

Vacant Lake Crushed Dreams top / Thrifted shorts / Target belt / Rubi Shoes wedges / ASOS rings

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Love the halter top. Might try it myself, thanks!


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