Thursday, May 17, 2012

Feature: Busy Bee

This month has been pretty crazy for me; I've gone from slacko uni student to full on uni student/blogger/model/worker. To keep Vacant Lake active I want to share with you what I've been up to in the last week, although won't really be posting anything decent until next week:


I went from brunette to golden blonde for Trend Vision hair colour competition with Bossy Hair Milton colourist and stylist, Ellie. I have previously modelled for Ellie in the So You Think You Can Colour competition in which she received first place and a trip to New York to watch the finals of last years Trend Vision contest. See my winning hair colour and cut here.


Trend Vision's photo shoot took place and I participated in my first ever professional photo shoot. I will eventually receive my final photo and will make sure to share it with you and keep you updated with our progress in the competition.


Bossy Hair asked me to also be involved in their Brisbane Bloggers DIY styling workshop in which we were shown current hot, easy looks in hairstyling. With much regret, I didn't take my own camera due to the risk of having it stolen at work (the workshop was afterwards) so as soon as Bossy has posted the images and video I'll be directing you straight there. In the mean time you can check out the other girls involved with the event and their posts about the night:

Back row from left: Tegan, Katy, Yolanda, Annika. Front row from left: Bridgette, Sarah, me, Dana.

My hair was styled into a rockabilly inspired roll. More pictures to come (both on this post from Tegania's Thoughts).

Most of the styles were unfortunately no good for me (lots of long styles) although I can definitely apply elements of the styles to myself. I also Heidi braided my sisters hair this afternoon for her, after finally finding out how it was done via the workshop.


Was the rehearsal of my work's (Paddington Antique Centre) third annual fashion parade which is held on June 1st. This is only my second year of participation, but I'm really looking forward to it; I'm dressed in a gorgeous light yellow/cream bridesmaid dress. It's going to be a terrific night, however, if you haven't already purchased tickets we unfortunately sold out last night. Maybe next year!

Watch the video from last years parade below (you'll even see me at 4.34 - I'll be slower this year, I promise):


My final piece of assessment for the semester is due tomorrow; it's an advertising campaign analysis presented in film format. It's been my favourite piece of assessment I've ever completed and I feel it's my best work yet. Then I have a busy working weekend followed by a relaxing week of hopefully lots of blog posts! 

Have a fabulous remainder of a week! xx

1 comment:

  1. Wow u are a busy bee! So jealous i love hair/hair styling! I have been watching a lot of youtube videos on how to get 50s inspired styles and so I'm loving your victory roll! How is ur hair handling the blonde?


Thanks for stopping in at Vacant Lake! Make sure to leave a link to your blog so I can take a look xx